GDPR, Data Security

::/Data Security & GDPR

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a comprehensive data protection law that took effect in the European Union (EU) in May 2018. It applies to any company that processes the personal data of EU citizens, regardless of where the company is based. The GDPR sets out strict rules for how companies must handle personal data and sensitive information and give individuals the right to control their own data and to know how it is being used.

Some key provisions of the GDPR include:

  • The right to be informed: Individuals have the right to be informed about how their personal data will be used, including for what purposes, who it will be shared with, and how long it will be retained.
  • The right of access: Individuals have the right to access their own personal data and request a copy of it.
  • The right to rectification: Individuals have the right to have their personal data corrected if it is inaccurate or incomplete.
  • The right to erasure: Individuals have the right to have their personal data erased, also known as the “right to be forgotten.” This does not apply in all circumstances, but individuals can request that their data be erased if it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected, if they withdraw their consent, or if they object to the processing of their data.
  • The right to restrict processing: Individuals have the right to request that their personal data not be processed in certain ways, such as for direct marketing purposes.
  • The right to data portability: Individuals have the right to receive their personal data in a machine-readable format and to request that it be transferred to another organization.


To comply with the GDPR, companies must implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. This includes implementing measures such as encryption, access controls, and regular data backups. Companies must also have a clear and transparent privacy policy that explains how they collect, use, and protect personal data.

If a company is found to be in violation of the GDPR, it can face heavy fines and other penalties. It is important for companies to take the GDPR seriously and to ensure that they are fully compliant with its requirements.

Contact us to know more about how we could help your organization in getting compliant with GDPR.